2024 Mustangs Available
The Franke Family and Teens and Oregon Mustangs are excited to present three exceptional mustangs available for auction on September 1 in Albany, Oregon and Online Dr Pepper, trained by Alina Franke, Hot Wheels, trained by Malakai Franke, and Shaniko, trained by Teddy Franke, are all up grabs. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bid on these magnificent creatures, as the auction is also available online for your convenience.
About buying a trained mustang
The Bureau of Land Management works in cooperation with the Teens & Oregon Mustangs to adopt out quality horses through a 100 day wild to willing adoption challenge. Here is how it works. Horse trainers are provided with a mustang to train for a roughly 100 day period. At the end of that time the horses are shown in competition. There are a number of divisions that compete in both riding and in hand events. Following the show the horses are available through public auction. In order to be eligible to bid you must submit an application for adoption to the BLM. Approved bidders can then bid on any of the horses in the competition.